Day 7
When I woke up the man who helped me out yesterday was already gone. Come to think of it I didn't even ask his name, I was just so intigued by all his knowledge about the Rafters that I totally forgot. Perhaps I will run into him again later. For now I'm just going to eat a little more ant meat and head off exploring. I hope to find more information regarding the gargoyles today. To start I want to go back to the building I ran into a cultist yesterday, I have something bugging me since I didn't really look it over at all I just tried to catch back up to the cultist.
Success! It seems the cultist left some papers in their haste to get out. It looks like there are some diagrams of gargoyles, but there is also a map of a nest. The papers here seem to imply that any nest should be fairly similarly laid out, so I should be able to use this to get deeper into a nest if I want. I am a little leary of going back to a nest since the other nests I've gone to were teeming with gargoyles and I almost got grabbed by one.
I just found what looks to be a way back down to the Roomlands. It seems a little rickety, I'm not sure I could get back up if I take these stairs down, but it is good to know that I have a way to get down if I want to. I don't want to just yet, since I've been told the Dragon Rook spends time in the Battlements above, so once I have satisfied my curiosity regarding the gargoyles, I am heading up to the Battlements from here.
I stubbled across another poor soul who has been taken into the Rafters. Unfortunately, whoever they are died at some point after getting here. In their hand they were clutching a small stone with a symbol etched into it. I have seen this symbol on the cultist's robes and at the base of the gargoyle nest. By the way this adventurer held onto this stone, it is clearly important. At this point, I may need to face my fears and head into the gargoyle nest. The diagrams I have should help me get around a little easier, and maybe I can use this stone inside. It is getting late, so I'm going to make camp and decide whether to head into the nest tomorrow.
Next Day