headabiz's Stream of Conciousness

Hello, and welcome to where I just put my thoughts on everything. It is called the "blog" on here, but I feel like "blog" sounds more cohesive than what has become of this space. Some of the previous posts here have made jokes about you, the reader not caring, but if you have made it past this point, you have been warned of the chaos of my mind!

January 28, 2025

I added the most recent Colostle post to the main page now. It is above the different lists. I still have the lists there at the bottom if you are looking for those. Those haven't been updated in a minute, so they might not be helpful to anyone.

I just looked at the Day 0 Colostle entry and noticed there are some typos. I guess I may have to go through some of these and correct typos. I am not going to bother with typos in this blog, though. This place is where I dump my thoughts and move on. I will likely never look at the previous days posts here at all.

January 27, 2025

I probably need to make the RPG content part of the main page since it really is the only thing I have going on right now.

January 25, 2025

So, I've been keeping up with making new posts in the Colostle journal pages. I did do several updates all today as I was playing through several days. Although, I think I will have to make a policy that I'll only upload one day at a time because otherwise it'll get confusing for you regular readers! This will mean that I may have a build up of pages ready to go when I get to it, but you shouldn't have to worry about me updating that page more than once a day anymore.

January 12, 2025

Back into the swing a bit I would say. I have the first day of Colostle up and going, and a picture of the character's mount. We'll do another day later today and see what happens next. I get the feeling this run isn't going to be very long. It feels to me like if you don't have a good combat score, you should just avoid combat entirely, because it is very deadly. I will probably opt to avoid combat until I can get my hands on something to help make them easier.

January 11, 2025

It's been a few days, sorry about that to all you loyal fans of the site! In the meantime I have been finishing reading the rules for Colostle, and started a character. I also have done the first drawing for the gallery, which is a picture of the mount that my Colostle character will be using. I'm updating the pages to show the new couple of pages and we'll keep moving from there. One thing to add to the todo list is figure out how to resize pictures because the one picture I have is huge on the screen in the gallery and that shouldn't stand forever, but I have bigger fish to fry right now.

January 6, 2025

I have made the page for the Colostle journal, so it will be ready to go once I am ready. I think the plan will be to try and do one illustration for each days journey. If that makes it take too long or feel too much like a chore, I will amend. I also, may change the intro to that page to be more like it was written by the character in world and move the more out of world explanation to a different location, but I still want to make sure it links to the Colostle website, so if people think that sounds interesting they can go check out the website, and maybe buy the book.

January 4, 2025

I just noticed that I put "2024" as the year for yesterday's post. I updated it. Real important changes going on here. I need to get back to reading the rules to Colostle, so I can start getting that going. I figure, that is my best idea right now, so I should move forward with that full steam. Also, it will hopefully give me a good idea of what to draw to practice my art skillz. I also created a Gallery page with nothing on it, but that will come in a bit. I want to change up the style of that page a bit, I think it would be funny to have the page be like a off white marble like color to make it feel more like a fancy art gallery, even though it's going to look like a collection of children's drawings XD

January 3, 2025

So, yesterday was spent trying to unbrick my tablet, I got a FydeTab Duo and messed up the install, work, and going out bowling with coworkers. Today, I have fixed the issue and will hopefully start on my art journey. Gotta make that banner.

January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! I have looked at other pages front page, and there are a lot of differences between all the pages. This means, my looking around was not useful. I am going to have to pick, which I guess is part of the fun of this. For now, I'm leaving it as is until I get hit with insperation.

December 31, 2024

Last day of the year! Congrats everyone for making it another year around the sun! (Is that too cliche? I don't know and I don't care) So, first a little update on the zucchini bread, my coworkers also really liked it. One of them, the one who asked me to make it in the first place, actually hid it and said she wasn't going to share it with anyone other than our supervisor. My supervisor did try it and she said she hates me because of how good the zucchini bread is. Next thing's next, trying to google my plan for making the homepage show some stuff from other pages is difficult, but all I'm finding are JavaScript solutions, and I'm not sure I want to start learning JS just yet. I'm sure eventually I will have to, but considering I'm still working on the whole, learning HTML and CSS thing, I think I'll pass on learning a whole new thing. Which does bring us back to the big question of what to put on the front page. I think I need to go to a few different people's sites on here and see what they are doing. I will probably start a list somewhere of the sites I looked at that I liked what they have going on.

December 30, 2024

I changed the header on this page to make it more how I feel about this page as well as a warning. From now on, I am assuming if you are here you care about what dumb stuff I have to say. I also have been feeling like I should move the checklist to its own page, but then I also don't know what I should put on the front page. I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically post the most recent blog and, when I start it, my most recent solo RPG journal entry. I will look into it for sure.

December 29, 2024

All my energy for today is going into making zucchini bread for a coworker. I made a promise to do it this weekend, and do not feel like doing it, but momma didn't raise a promise breaker! If I do anything more than make this post I will be surprised. Although, I did make a template file so I can use that anytime I decide to make a new page, but that doesn't count, since it was just a little copy paste job.

For anyone wondering, not that you are, but This is the recipe I am following. I have never made zucchini bread before, so I had to start somewhere. I'll let you know how it turns out, in case you care. This place is going to a hodgepodge of my likes, and you can't stop me! Come here for me talking about baking, learning HTML, messing with Linux, TTRPG's, my terrible art, it's gonna have it all!

Zucchini Bread update! The one you all have been waiting for. It is all baked (took like 20 minutes longer than the recipe said) The verdict from me and my parents, it's pretty good. Hopefully my coworker likes it tomorrow. Now, tomorrow we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming. Do we have that here?

December 28, 2024

I've not been messing with this for a while. I need to get back into the swing of this stuff. I guess at this point the top priority, other than really deciding what I'm doing here, is the banner for the top of the page. I'm going to get my artistic skills going. Before I settle into the actual banner, I'm going to do some dumb drawings (I have no drawing skills) and make a gallery here for it.

Also, my brother got me a physical copy of Colostle, a solo RPG, so I may start playing that and just recording the sessions here in text format. The game, if I remember correctly, is mostly built for journal type entries. We'll see!

December 23, 2024

Ok, so I had an idea when I was at work today. What if I try to go with the style of a small town bar kind of feel here. So, I'm thinking like a banner at the top of the home page that says "headabiz's" looking like a neon sign on top of some wood. I changed the welcome message, if you want to call it that, to say something about pulling up a seat, like I was welcoming you to a bar too. We'll see how long this sticks. It also means I have an idea for the banner, which is good. I just need to design it. I kind of have this extra dumb idea of doing the leg work myself. This is dumb because I have no design or art skills, but I feel like it'll be more genuine if I do it all on my own, even if I need to draw something and it jus shows off my terrible drawing skills.

In more technical news, I have made progress on the whole, making the side bar show information on where you currently are in the site. So, that's good! (I had to add a line to the style.css file for p. A little more tweaking and we'll have something much better looking. I think.

I have updated my style.css file so everything looks good. Now you can see what page you are on and navigate to other pages.

December 22, 2024

So it looks like everything is now the same on the side bar which is good. The only issue is that I still want to modify it a little I think it could look better. I think first things first though, is adding the current page information.

December 21, 2024

So right now I'm still messing with the side bar. I feel like it should be the same across all pages. Currently, it doesn't show the page you are currently on, which I feel looks weird. My biggest issue right now is the testing page now has different formatting for the side bar then the rest of the site. I am trying to troubleshoot it.

I have also just moved the todo list up above the ideas list on the home page. I feel like that makes more sense right now.

Here's a question. Should I be more explicit with what I find as solutions to my problems here? Is anyone going to be reading this to try and find answers to their own questions? We'll see how I feel as I find the answers to my current issues XD

December 20, 2024

So today I think I have finalized the colors I want to use on the page. I may change things up eventually, but this works for me now. As of right now the testing page style is the same as the rest of the site. I did have some issues with the .css file not updating, but that might have just been me needing to be patient as that seemed to fix itself in a few minutes. I am thinking I may want to move my lists to their own page, but I don't know what else I'm putting on the main page, so they stay for now.

I have added a sidebar to the testing page, it looks good enough to add to the main pages. One thing I would like to test before I add that is to see if I can have everything added to the .css file so that I don't have to add that information to every page manually.

All my tests have worked,and now I have a sidebar on all the pages It's all starting to look good, but very text heavy. I need to add some pictures I think. Definitely need some kind of banner on the home page. I also need to reformat all the text in the html.

December 19, 2024

Hello again! (Who's looking at this? Well at least 30 people have, so hello if you are joining them!) I'm currently messing around with the style.css file to get things looking nice. Which does currently mean things are going to look ugly while I fiddle with things. (New thing for the todo list: Make some kind of testing page that can take all my ugly style testing, so that the other pages don't have to look ugly!)

I just added a home button towards the top of this page, so you can get back to the main page. Why didn't I have that sooner?

I have now moved the active todo list and ideas list to the front page, so I don't have to keep coming back to the bottom of this page to update these lists.

I have a new page where I'm going to do a lot of my messing around and testing, especially as it pertains to the look of the page. It can be found HERE Feel free to take a look at whatever eyesore I have left over there.

December 18, 2024

This one is just going to be a list of all the things I could do with this space.

Ideas(Archive of how it stood as of 12/19/24 at 5:43pm)

I will keep adding to this list as time goes on, maybe I'll put this list up on the main page and link to any projects that the list includes as well.

I'm also going to add a todo list here, and potentially add it to the main page, of anything I definitely want to do.

TODO (Archive of how it stood as of 12/19/24 at 5:43pm)

Well, that was shorter than I expected it to be, but I guess until I figure out what of the ideas I want to accualize, I won't know more.

Today I learned: you don't need the full URL for an internal link. Just putting /blog brings you here :D

Making progress on stylizing my page. I know how to change the background color, but the green I chose does not look good with black text, so for now I have just reverted it all back and will mess with it again later

I need to look at the style.css file for global default changes.