Day 8

I decided to head into the nest today. I'm doing some preparations and tune ups of my mount in order to make sure it is ready for anything that might come up inside there.

That was intense. I didn't have time to take any notes while I was in there, but I'm going to try and gather my thoughts here now that I am safe here. Inside I found a group of cultists having some kind of meeting. The only thing I could recognize them saying was a chant about the "Bishop of Ashta" I don't know who or what this is, but I don't think the answers are here. They noticed me and started to chase me, so I hopped onto my mount and ran. I made it to the skylight to the Battlements, broke the window and headed through. Since they saw me, I cannot trust that the cultists on the Rafters will take kindly to me, so I will have to be careful if I ever go back. For now, I'm going to explore the Battlements and get back to my hunt.

This place is incredible. There seems to be no braizer lighting the sky. The sky is a deep purple color, like in the evening, but in it are tiny pinpricks of light, like you don't see inside. I can see towers stretching high above me, and as far as I can tell, no Rooks are about. I don't know what dangers are here, but there is only one way to find out.

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