Day 6
Packing up camp today, I heard a rustling in the trees nearby, when I went to investigate, I found an ant as big as a dog! This place continues to be full of surprises! I have been running low on food, so I managed to catch and kill it for food. I gathered a fair bit of meat from it. I'll see about cooking it later. For now, it's time for me to head off for the day. Let's see what other surprises the Rafters have for me.
I came across a hut and went in to investigate further. When I stepped inside I found another cultist in there who quickly snatched up some papers and books and things and ran off! When I tried to give chase, the cultist knocked down a bookshelf, which I was not nimble enough to evade. By the time I freed myself the cultist was long gone. I wish I could have caught them and found out what they are working on.
Later I was investigating a large plant, when suddenly something grabbed my shirt and dragged me back. It was a grissled looking man telling me to keep my distance from those plants since they are carnivorous and big enough to eat me! I thanked him and we kept going together for a while. He told me about several plants I should avoid and other animals that might cause some problems. While talking I mentioned that my journey began by chasing down the Dragon Rook. This peaked his interest and he told me that at the edge of the rafter you can often see the Dragon Rook heading up and down from the Battlements. He said that window I found a few days ago would likely lead there. Finally some solid information on the Dragon Rook, and lucky me, I knew how to get closer! I also asked about the gargoyles and the cultists, and he said he stays as clear as he can from them and urged me to do the same, but I feel so close to figuring out what is going on there, I just can't let it go.
We made camp eventually and he showed me a great way to cook the giant ant meat I got earlier today. Knowing how to cook them and that they are actually safe to eat is great news for me. Tomorrow, I plan on continuing my search for information on the gargoyles in spite of this mans warnings.
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