Day 5

I set out this morning under a light drizzle, it doesn't seem like I'm going to get any super dry conditions here, but that's ok. After traveling for a while I came across another one of these large pilar like mountains dotted with caves for gargoyles. This one didn't have any writing at the base, however, but it did have one cave close to "ground" level, so I started to go in. I was able to find some strange gemstones I'm hoping will be worth something once I make it back to civilization, but my investigation of this cave was cut short when I heard something coming from deep in the cave. I made a run for it as another one of the snake like gargoyles came flying out of the cave. I just barely made it out and to the side before it could grab me. Who knows what that thing would have done to me if it had grabbed me, but I have to assume it would have happily carried me off somewhere and that I didn't want.

The rest of the day was fairly uninteresting, just more trudging through thick damp forest, but it was honestly nice to have a slower day, the rest of the past few days have been very eventful. In just 5 days I've come a long way from where I started, and this isn't where I initially planned on setting out for, but I'm seeing and finding all kinds of new things no one in my home village could even dream of. In the quiet of today, I did think about my village and about my mom. I know she's probably worried about me going off on my own, but I hope she'll understand that I needed to do something for me and to find out what I am capable outside of her help. I know she won't read these words, but I'm doing ok mom, and I'll be back to you in one piece some day.

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