Day 12
We woke up after sleeping and while we were eating breakfast, I asked Diamond, how they dealt with time, explaining to her that in the Roomlands there are giant braziers that brighten and dim to help us with our daily schedules. After marvelling at the idea of a giant fire in the sky, she explained that the people in her tribe just sleep when they are tired and wake up when they wake up. They don't use anything outside of the tribe to decide when they do things. We are getting ready to set off for the day.
We are about to head out, we've got to be careful today as the path forward is a vast prarie with little places to keep out of sight from the Astrolithic Rooks, but we need to go forward if there's any chance to find a way back down.
We came across another downed Astrolithic Rook this morning. It's strangely comforting seeing these Rooks in this state since it means these imposing creatures can be brought down, but who knows how they got taken down. In this one I found a Helm, I've seen these, but never had one in my hands, it'll be interesting to try this out sometime.
Going through here to find what we could harvest, we also ran across a person huddled in fear. They were hiding here like we were yesterday. They had an injury on their leg. We helped as much as we could and shared a meal. They were someone else from the Roomlands like me, but showed up more recently; today is their first day. Diamond and I helped them with what we knew, mostly Diamond since she's the native born person of the Battlements. I offered that they could come with us to find a way back down, but they said that in spite of the danger, they wanted to keep exploring up here find out what they could, and if that means they die in some kind of accident or attack, that's what happens.
There it was, a way back down. Diamond told me we needed to be cautious, but it was within eyesight, we could get back to the Roomlands, back to a safer place. We talked about it, and while we were talking, meteors began to rain down from the sky! I floored it, my Mount began moving as fast as it could towards the exit, all I could think about was what if this meteor shower collapsed the exit, or the roof beneath us. As we went an Astrolithic Rook came down behind us and started chasing us. I tried to make my Mount go faster, it felt like no matter what everything was slowing down. I got tunnel vision; I only had eyes for the exit. Diamond was saying something, but at the time I wasn't registering anything that she said. I snapped out of it a little as a laser from the Rook clipped the side of my Mount. I was too close, though, to let that stop me. I knew what my Mount was capable of taking. I charged forward, strafing a little to help dodge laser beams. Finally, we came through to the exit, the Rook shot one more laser collapsing the way, but we made it, we're back down in the Roomlands. It's quiet now. Diamond wasn't happy with me at how reckless I was being, said I could have gotten us both killed, but we're not dead, just a little damage to the Mount, it'll run just fine for us tomorrow and we'll be down in the Roomlands, exploring here. Maybe we'll find a way home for me, but honestly, I don't know which direction that is anymore, there was so much running for our lives in the Battlements, that I didn't pay much attention to what twists and turns we were making. We're probably a few rooms over too, so anyone here might not have a map that includes my village or the surrounding desert. Hopefully, tomorrow Diamond won't be so mad at me because this silence is very weird. Who would have thought I would have gotten so used to a companion so quickly after spending so much time alone with my Mount. For now, I'm going to sleep, tomorrow, I'll make sure my Mount is in working order and we'll head out in search of something to make us stronger.
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