Day 10
After my harrowing day yesterday, I need to take today a lot more cautiously so I don't get in trouble again. I'm still not sure what made that Rook come down from the sky, but at least I know what to look for when one is going to show up.
Trekking through the forest today was uneventful, I'm getting more used to wandering in the woods after the jungles of the Rafters. I was hoping to find a way back down, but still nothing. I did find another edge that leads up to another rooftop. I have to fashion something to get me and my mount up there. Though. It shouldn't be too hard, but it'll take some time.
I finally got up to the next roof, but it is freezing cold up here! I am not prepared for this! Luckily, I was able to find some kind of dead bear nearby. I need to be careful as who knows what might have killed it. At least I was able to skin it and use its pelt to keep me warm up here. It is hard to tell the time of day without the dimming of the Braziers, but if feels like it has been a good long day, so I am setting up camp here and will continue my search for a way down tomorrow.
Next Day