Departure Checklist
- X Food
- X Water
- X Mount Mechanical Check
- X Legs
- X Crossbow
- X Core
Day 1
Final checks done. Everything is ready for depature at first light. The main party left yesterday, so they have a full day's headstart on me. I'm going to have to make up some ground, but my mount is faster than any of theirs and they have to travel at a slower pace anyways to let the people on foot keep up.
I feel like I have been making good time, my water looks like it'll last me a couple of days out here, which is good. I'll have to make sure to take some time and find some water. The folk around the village always say that if you need water out in the desert, Rooks have some inside. The trick will be to get inside and access it safely. I'm not exactly the best fighter, so defeating even a medium sized Rook will be hard for me. I may have no choice, though, if I'm going to get more water. I've taken a quick break at a large skeleton. It seems to be the size of a Rook. We've always wondered who built the Colostle and the Rooks, could it have been the giant that left this skeleton? I've looked around and there's nothing of interest to be found here. As morbid as it may seem the inside of this skeleton's skull makes for a nice shady spot to have lunch and relax.
Lunch was interrupted by a giant spiney mouse. Lucky for me I was in this massive skull, so it past right by me, but I needed to hunt it down. If you know what you are doing, they are a good source of food, and, as gross as it sounds, water. You just have to make sure to boil the water first. Since it had already past by me I was able to hop in my mount and shoot it from behind. Not the most honorable kill, but I'll take what I can out here. I just finished harvesting some meat and hanging it on my mount to dry and make some jerky. It doesn't smell super good, but I'm making due with what I have right now! I've also harvested the water bladder, and will boil the water tonight once I've made camp.
Good news! I'm not ready to make camp for the night yet, but I beleive I have just come across where the dragon hunting party made camp last night. This means I am making good time and should be able to over take them sometime tomorrow. I am going to take a slight detour shortly so that they don't see me trying to pass them.
Taking this detour may have been a mistake. There were some ruins I came across, and while looking through the ruins to see what was there, there was an earthquake that damaged my mount. Looking around I saw a Rook! About 20 feet tall with a massive club for an arm. I had to think quickly since my mount wasn't going to get me out quick enough; I took control of the crossbow on my mount and saw a crumbling tower nearby, with an expert shot I was able to hit a weak point and topple the tower right on the Rook. I started to flee, but before I could fully get out of the way the Rook got another solid hit in with its club. My mount has seen better days and I'm going to have to take it a little slower tomorrow, but I got out with my life and my mount mostly intact. Time to rest up, and make sure my mount is ready to hit the road tomorrow.
Next Day