Welcome to my little spot in the internet. Feel free to take a seat. Don't mind the mess. It's all still a work in progress.
Jack's Journey
This is a section of the journal I am doing playing the solo RPG Colostle. This is the most frequently updated section of the site. If you need more information please head here. This gives a little explanation as well as providing a link to start the story at the beginning.
Day 11
That wasn't the best night's sleep I've ever had. I was cold all night long, and I thought the desert nights were cold! How do people live in colder climates? I'm sure I would have died of the cold had it not been for this pelt I found. I'm also sure knowing that whatever killed this bear is probably still out there didn't help me sleep. I need to make some breakfast before heading out. I hope I can find a way back down, or at least out of this freezing cold rooftop!
This "morning" didn't go as planned, I guess I need to stop expecting things to go as planned out here. As I was packing up to head out I heard shouting and the sound of footsteps in the snow. When I turned around, I saw a person running away from one of those massive Rooks! I quickly hopped on my mount and was about to start booking it myself, but I waited a few moments and yelled at this person to hop in my mount since it could move faster with the both of us than she was running. She hopped in and I got my mount going as fast as I could! After what felt like an eternity of being chased I saw something up ahead. I headed straight for it and we took shelter there. Turns out this is the abandoned husk of another one of these giant Rooks. I'll be investigating it before moving on. For now, we're waiting a bit to make sure that Rook is long gone.
We got to talking while we waited for the coast to be clear. Her name is Diamond (I made sure to ask first, since I got wrapped up in conversation with the man in the Rafters and never got his name!) She told me she was born in the Battlements, and that her family is part of a tribe of nomads. She also explained that the Rooks here are called "Astrolithic Rooks" and that they come out when you spend too much time out in the open. They seem to be very protective of this space for some reason. I guess that's the reason no one has ever heard of someone coming back from the Battlements. I told her all about my travels and the village I come from and how we defeat Rooks and use their parts to build mounts and weapons. She was very impressed, but I did explain to her that the Rooks of the Roomlands are smaller and far less formidible than the Astrolithic Rooks. She expressed an interest in seeing the Roomlands, so I told her that she could come with me as I search for a way back down. She agreed, so I guess I'm not travelling alone anymore! It'll be nice to have someone with me.
Before heading out, I had a look around the Rook husk we were hiding in and found some parts I could use to get my mount running better, which will enable us to cover more ground and hopefully find a way back down sooner.
We decided to make camp for the night, we just crossed over into a large prairie area, leaving the cold is nice, but it'll make it a lot harder to try and be stealthy, and since the Astrolithic Rooks come out when you spend too much time in the open, this will be dangerous, but we don't have a lot of options other than to keep pushing forward if we're ever going to find a way back to the Roomlands.
Figure out why the testing side bar doesn't look the same as everywhere elseFigure out why my updated style.css file isn't doing the thingFigure out why my "TODO" list looks like thatLearn how to stylize my pages- Stylize my pages so they look how I want them to
- Decide on a set format for my html and stick to it
Make a testing page for all my messy test stuffAdd a side bar- Add some kind of top banner (going to need to figure out how I want it to look first)
Look into automatically putting the most recent post from other pages here.I have decided to abandon this, as it seems I will need to learn JavaScript, and I'm not up to that yet- Look at a few other people's neocities sites and see what they have going on.
- Figure out how to make a picture smaller
- Make a silly little game (Will I need to learn Javascript?)
- Just use it as a blog about learning html and whatever I'm doing here (will probably do that no matter what)
- Start writing some kind of story and post it here
- Start a review site of the things I'm currently into (I would probably only do this for things I like, no need to add more negativity to the internet. Maybe that was clear, but I'm just making sure!)